Friday, March 4, 2011

Education in China?

This is grade 11 Math in China.

(1) the vertices of a triangle are in the parabola y2 = 4x, one of the vertex at the origin, find the area of ​​the triangle.
 (2) known points A (3,2), point F is the focus of the parabola y2 = 4x, the point P on the parabola, find | PA | + | PF | the minimum.
 (3) If the parabola y2 =- 2px (p> 0) with a little M, the abscissa is -9, which to the focus distance is 10, find the parabolic equation and the point M of coordinates.

Can you imagine study in China?

I heard from my friend that they were been crazy about their homework. Some of them can't finish until 2'o clock at midnight.
Grade 12 students in China have to arrived at school at 6:30 in the morning and finish school at 9:30. The study is very hard and have over 10 classes everyday. They leave home before the sun rises, and go back to home after the sun goes down.
I can't understand why China's education so strict in senior school. We're teenagers, we need time to play, we need fun! Not study a lot everyday. When i was in China, i sleep 6 hours very day, sometime less than 6 hours.
I'm so glad that i'm in Canada now. I feel so relax and happy in Canada.
Thanks for my parents that sent me to Canada to finish my senior's study!!!

1 comment:

  1. A nice insight into the Chinese education system. It would have been to hear even more. Quite well written.
